This is a serious stuff, has all the personal details for sale. They will show preview of it without payment and buy full details after paying 40$. This site is held by a company located at

Intelius, Inc.

500 - 108th Ave NE #1660
Bellevue, WA 98004

Do they have SSN?
They claim that they have SSN but that seem to be lie because of following reason. When I searched for my name, they showed two results with different postal address, and both address were correct, I have lived at those addresses; my point is if they were to have my SSN, they would have linked those two results in to one. I am almost tempted to buy my personal results and see what they have.

1 comment:

Brent Henrikson said...

I just learned about this company and have to say I find it unscrupulous. Just on the sample it listed several of my relatives. Personally, I don't want that online, and I don't want anyone with $40 to know where I live/have lived. What gives these people the audacity to collect everyone's information into one convenient place, and then selling it to whomever? I think if more people knew about this, many would be outraged like I am.