Science point of view?

Some say orange and orange-extract are same, at least in terms of nutrition(like both of them share citric acid etc..). People take pride while expressing this as if this is conquering of chemistry of Orange. In general this reductionist talk is seen as being scientifically aware.

Now there is an another group of people of who say Orange and orange-extract are not same because latter does not capture every aspect of Orange. Even this kind of talk is seen as sign of being scientifically aware.

How convincing these arguments are depends on listener.

Well I think orange-extract captures only one character of Orange. It is like defining Gandhi as Indian while ignoring all other characteristics.

Identify INLINE attachments in MAPI message

Inline attachments sit amidst the main body of e-mail. And the main body has syntax to refer to these attachments. This syntax is different for HTML and RTF. main bodies. HTML main body uses ContentID to refer to attachment. RTF main body uses /objattph to refer to attachment.

1) HTML mainbody some times uses RTF syntax to refer to inline attachment. Here is an example of that and note that there are no CID inside HTML stream. Correspondingly there is 'Content-ID' header for inline-attachment.

HTML mainbodypart
 img src="objattph://"
Attachment bodypart
 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 1.jpg"
 Content-Description: Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 1.jpg
 Content-Disposition: inline;
    filename="Picture (Device Independent Bitmap) 1.jpg";
    creation-date="Mon, 17 Jun 2013 18:21:33 GMT";
    modification-date="Mon, 17 Jun 2013 18:21:35 GMT"
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Mushroom rice

Potato + Mushroom + Corn + spice + Garlic + small quantity of water.

Keep this on stove for 30+minutes with low flame.

Churn once is a while.

Finally mix with rice, then  Eat.

Note: You may have to add salt because mushroom and corn are sweet

Humans taming energy

Simple burning fire(like forest fire) and steam engine are examples for non-structured and structured energies. Humans came to know about fire first but required 100s of years to channel that the energy to do sophisticated work in internal combustion engine, and the jet engine.