Times poll Assange wins popular vote but Times names Mark Zucker... as Man of the year... We do not need any more evidence to prove that media is another arm of US Govt. US media of almost every kind progressive, mainstream and conservative is disassociating from Assange as if he is a Peaaadofile...
Well time to wave flag either out of guilt or fear or love...
Time of the year - 2010
Amazon.com How low can you live??
Amazon stopped hosting WikiLeak documents after US Joe RIbbbbbbberman pressured it to remove.
Then Amazon turns around and sells it http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004EEOLIU That too for money.....
Hypocratical is Amazon; it did not have the spine to stand up to Free speech but all willing to make money.
You can not say Corporartions are ENTITY but not have consciousness....
creation of sense of nation in India
Today in the BBC interview, British politician Meghnad Desai explained how India become a Nation. Following is the summary...
At the time of European invasion, India was being ruled by many kings, and there was no single emperor so no concept of Nation. There are also cultural differences between the regions. Indians started to unite(overcame differences) during the freedom struggle against British. Indian Freedom fighting went on for decades, during this period Gandhi created a sense of nation among the people. Gandhi did not succeed completely and it shows up in the creation of Pakistan.
Coming back to present, using above knowledge, it is easy to understand the lack of unity among Iraqis. People of Iraq did not fight for any thing to-gather...