Time of the year - 2010

Times poll Assange wins popular vote but Times names Mark Zucker... as Man of the year... We do not need any more evidence to prove that media is another arm of US Govt. US media of almost every kind progressive, mainstream and conservative is disassociating from Assange as if he is a Peaaadofile...

Well time to wave flag either out of guilt or fear or love...

Amazon.com How low can you live??

Amazon stopped hosting WikiLeak documents after US Joe RIbbbbbbberman pressured it to remove.

Then Amazon turns around and sells it http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004EEOLIU That too for money.....

Hypocratical is Amazon; it did not have the spine to stand up to Free speech but all willing to make money.

You can not say Corporartions are ENTITY but not have consciousness....

creation of sense of nation in India

Today in the BBC interview, British politician Meghnad Desai explained how India become a Nation. Following is the summary...

At the time of European invasion, India was being ruled by many kings, and there was no single emperor so no concept of Nation. There are also cultural differences between the regions. Indians started to unite(overcame differences) during the freedom struggle against British. Indian Freedom fighting went on for decades, during this period Gandhi created a sense of nation among the people. Gandhi did not succeed completely and it shows up in the creation of Pakistan.

Coming back to present, using above knowledge, it is easy to understand the lack of unity among Iraqis. People of Iraq did not fight for any thing to-gather...

Swiss, why your banks guard criminals' money?


Swiss passed referendum to deport even the 2nd generation immigrant, if they are caught violating law. Violations does not have to be criminal act...And whether to deport or not is NOT judged in court...

My point is SWISS are not the holy cow because they promote criminals all around the world by hiding their identity and money. Some of this money is looted by politicians of 3rd world countries from their citizens. And unfortunately those deprived people from 3rd world countries end-up migrating to Swiss..


"Indian politician loots Govt. money" ---> "Swiss guard looted money" ---> "Indians migrate to Swiss for better life"


Till now Azioc meant just a music group but it is not just that. Azoic is also the name of first era of our planet Earth.

Era, Period, Epoch
Earth is 4.5 billion years old and this time has been divided in to one or more Era. And each one of these Era is further divided in to Periods. And each period is in turn divided in to Epoch.

Azoic is the first Era, from 4.5 to 4.0 billions years

Archean is the second Era, from 4.0 to 2.5 billions years

Proterozoic is the third Era, from 2.5 to 0.5 billions years

Paleozoic is the fourth Era, from 0.5bill to 250million years

Mesozoic is the fifth Era, from 250 to 65 million years

Cenozoic is the sixth Era, from 65 million years to till today.

Two consecutive Eras differ fundamentally. And there are totally six Era.

Deciphering lyrics

I have read same lyric being deciphered in many ways. More than one version made sense too.

Treat the song as a jumbled heap of thread, and start tracing from different points(not just ends), and write down the path on a paper. In the end, each path would have some interesting shape and also be different from each other.

Shapes obtained above depended on where you started tracing, similarly song's meaning depends on where one starts( or presumptions one makes like death, love, god, depression, drugs, addiction etc.....)

Wolfsheim - Blind

I have been listening to this since few years and today understood few verses. Best part is highlighed.

I think of you like... I often do
When I hear the rain on my windowpane
Gently tapping at the glass
Like your gently touching fingers
Just looking for the smile I give to you

You can feel what no one feels
You can hear what no one hears
Just looking for the smile I give to you
You can feel what no one feels
You can hear what no one wants to hear
Just looking for the smile I give to you

Your darkness speaks and has eyes to see
and you know me by my voice
But you know so much more than
"Don't fight the walls they're here for all"
Is what you said to me once
I looked into your eyes and I knew you were right


And your darkness speaks and has eyes to see
I know you can win this life long game we're in
Hey darkness is a state of mind
I can go where you would stumble

Is what you said to me and I knew you were right

Diamond was first mined in India

The earliest diamonds were mined from stream gravels in the southern and central portions of India. An estimated 12 million carats (the carat is a unit of weight for gemstones equal to 0.2 gram) was produced from Indian mines. India was virtually the only source of diamonds until they were discovered in Brazil in 1725. East central Brazil has produced about 160,000 carats annually, chiefly from stream gravels near the city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais.

Today, about 95 percent of the world’s output of diamonds is from Africa.The Congo is by far the largest producer, supplying more than 50 percent of the global demand.

Source: "An introduction to Fossils and Minerals" by Jon

Gaia hypothesis and Humans


It is said that physical environment on Earth drives organisms. But Gaia hypothesis says influence can flow in the other way, that is life can also influence environment.

Climate change, to some extent works like Gaia, but in s negative way. We are hell bent on shooting on our foot. Unfortunately humans and animals are too sophisticated to survive Geological catastrophe....

Misplaced trust as a child

When I was young, I believed that people in authority knew everything, mean everything; and their actions have factored everything. As I grew older, I doubted this, courtesy of Indian politicians. After living in US, and seeing political system here(systematically & legitimatley hacked), I am dead sure I was very wrong about the ability of people in authority; they do not anything, not even honest. Now, I smell these people from far distance.

Mr Krugman says the same in his NYT blog.
"When I was young and naive, I believed that important people took positions based on careful consideration of the options."

wallpaper with power consumption

Computer wallpaper like the one shown below lists CPU & RAM but not power usage. Wallpaper should disclose both the ability and liability.

This wallpaper(BgInfo.bmp) is generated using 'BgInfo', a SysInternals tool.

Wall-paper with power consumption.

I measured the power consumption and then inserted those details in 'BgInfo.bmp' using Adobe PS.

Computer manufacturer's like HP, Dell, IBM have the ability to provide bitmaps containing power usage. There is a debate about accuracy of power measurements. I think the accuracy is secondary; goal is to make people set PC to stand-by mode, turn off monitor etc....

When someone logs in to a machine, wall-paper should inform them about power consumption.

Unfair price for vegetable

Today for the first time I took note of the cost of tomato that I just purchased in Stop-and-Shop grocery store. Bill reads as follows(for one tomato)

Vine Ripe Tomato $2.99/pound $1.44

What motivated to take notice is FOOD Inc movie. In that movie, Micheal Pollen talks about alarming price difference between fast-food and vegetable He says collieflower costs more than $1 while burger at McDonald costs just 99cents.

Seriously this pendulum needs correction. I do not mind paying more for burger. Let us pay fair price and tackle obesity.

TBTF or Too complex to handle?

Simon Johnson is campaigning to eliminate TBTF but Paul Krugman is not that against TBTF(based on his blog posts).

My own though is TBTF leads to complex web and makes it hard to tell where the investor's money is landing. We start to see same thing with different wrapper without adding value to customer. We are not in market utopia, so as companies grow fairness comes down.

I think not having TBTF is a pragmatic solution.

Someone got to pay for that...

Heard a passer by say "Someone got to pay for that...". He was obviously talking about Health Care bill.

Line "Someone got to pay for that..." is a bill board statement, projects the speaker as a responsible citizen. Are these genuinely responsible?. May not be because many such speakers do not ask
"Who pays for defense bill?"
"Why am I paying so much for health insurance company?"
"Who contributes to monsterous TARP?"

Run away away!!

Referring to beaten Obama's interview to ABC network, in which 0bama expressed plans to move towards right, Paul Krugman says to liberals Run away away

Personally it is a great disappointment. I had not never taken any politician so seriously. Looks like I was as naive as Mr Obama.

It is time to say Good night to him...

Stockholm syndrome or Hyper Nationalism

Once in a while, Americans and Chinese readers use street fighting language while responding to article in Newspaper or Blog. Supporters of America draw attention iron fist of Chinese Govt. while Chinese argue that they are happy to grabbed.

Now the Google has refused to censor news in China. In response to this news, majority of Chinese readers have fiercely expressed solidarity with Chinese Govt. I do not understand the logic behind Chinese reader's response, whatever Google is doing, at least at the face, is good for Chinese public. To me it seems Chinese readers are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

What surprises me is that over the years, it has been close to impossible to find one Chinese reader who's response is moderate. They seem to take even the hint of criticism from western media as grave insult.

After spending all my life is democracies I do not trust Govt. completely; Govt. and God are not same. This mindset makes hard for me to understand Chinese defense.

Thing impossible for Obama to fake...

Obama may end up passing flimsy health care reform still make it to history book. There is no specific way to measure the effect of this reform so even a toothless one is also a reform.

Unemployment number are not so kind to Obama. Nothing short of genuine economic reform is going to improve job market. This time, bad job numbers are definitely going to expose the facade of GDP, Growth.

Wall-street is the biggest sucker, and is driving the greed and by-products. Without fixing this sucker, nothing is going to change, definitely not this time.

These numbers are going to nail him.

"What is for dinner" style of politics

Obama has left many of those who rooted in support of him disappointed. I followed his election from the beginning, much before Iowa primary. He sounded sincere. I have seen probably the most corrupt democracy on the planet, in India. With that mindset, Obama appeared to me like once in a life time leader, way above politics. I was not alone, millions did the same; people who had withdrawn from democratic process, due to hopelessness, came out to support him; students worked for his campaign like volunteer work. I heard on radio about a girl who went to night clubs in Pennsylvania, at wee hours, to do voters registration.

Is he fighting?
No. Obama has not demonstrated the grit that was required for implementing his promises. He is more like water, fit work in school, no way he can lead nation. I can not bank on him and hope he would fight for me.

Is he sincere at least?
I doubt his sincerity too. He hired same individuals who sowed the seeds of financial crisis. Given that Obama is smart so aware of history of his appointees, why did he hire same crooks?. Or Why not fire them at least now? Why did Obama extend Ben Shalom Bernanke term for FED Reserve?

Mentally, Obama has lost the game already. Parasites of political system know that President can be cultivated or transformed, and will not allow Obama to make significant change. Now only thing that can save Obama's grace is a honest apology.

I hate to say this because I really believed in him but Obama is going to end up like Jimmy Carter.

Is rationality the best selling point for atheism?

Having rational ideas is harmless but it may not be sufficient to convert believer in to atheist. To take my own example, I did not
become atheist after seeing lab-report :-).

There was a temple on the way to school which I used to visit often. Saying that I grew among a sea of believers is indeed an understatement. I used to go to temple at least two or three times a week.

From there, I gradually stopped believing in god, and years later came to know that this phenomenon is called as 'atheism'. So this conversion was not based on any anti-religion literature or one life changing event :-). I think years of reading current events in magazines, Newspaper developed this conviction, so it was an unconscious change.

Based on my experience, I think no amount of science can make believer an atheist. We can use scientific argument to make a kill if the target is already leaning towards atheism. I am not completely in favor of this method of sale. This method may not be sustainable on the long run; such converts could run back to God if there is any personal tragedy. And if this person happens to be loud mouthed celebrity, atheism gets bad press. Like democracy, for atheism to survive it should be borne out of inner pondering.

I heard of Mr Dawkins for the first time in 2006. I think, it is possible to realize absence of God on our own.